Friday, October 18, 2013

all (book) paths lead to....

codex infinitum - the infinite book

 Inter spem et metum - 'Between hope and fear'
32 volumes of The Encyclopedia of the World and its People
arranged closed and face down along the wave line
Cuttagee Beach, Bermagui

Ut sementem feceris ita metes - ‘As you sow so will you reap’
20 volumes of The Golden Encyclopedia
planted in a newly ploughed paddock
‘Alanbar’ Sams Creek

 Omnes terra sumus – ‘We are all earth’
14 volumes of World Book Encyclopedia
laid face down on a wildlife thoroughfare beside Sams Creek

"A well-beaten path does not always make the right road"



  1. I've come to this a little late, but just wanted to say how much I am enjoying "the show". It's a terrific body of work, of which you should be very proud. Congratulations!

    1. awwwhhh thanks amanda - I appreciate the kind comments from friends and casual visitors. xxxx

  2. Gotta say, gal, 'bout time you put these copyright notices ("I am Rhonda, therefore I AM") on your photos. For some reason the Soviet nations [and others, of course] seem to stop by endlessly and pilfer ... always good to have ones name ride along with the merchandise. There will be a *well beaten path* for these, I'm sure.

    You ROCK!
    [do you get dizzy from all the rocking???]

    1. gawh :D sweetiepie/pea xx

      ps I'll actually post *something* about why I've returned to watermarking some of my piccies *very soon*....

  3. Great stuff, Ronnie, I'm really enjoying this trip. The books look stunning in their various settings, only you would see the potential!

    1. thanks my friend - always I'm thanking your constant support carol :D

  4. This is a very interesting post... I have never heard of books being placed on pathways.. very thought provoking-- so many metaphors -- for books and journeys.

    1. It has been my hope that those with an awareness of Zen (like yourself) would be able to connect with what I'm doing..... it probably won't surprise you to learn that I read a lot of philosophical tomes throughout my MFA - many of which had Zen leanings...


thanks for all your lovely comments - your words are greatly appreciated xx