Saturday, June 28, 2014

been there... done that....

a quick jaunt to sydney with a bunch of kiddies
(including our sassy-boyo)

from the rooftop of the YHA right in the heart of the city
things look a bit different to the usual vision
of cows and chooks and trees and paddocks of green


(I take it as a good sign)

the journey...

  under the bridge

our destination...

where the cobargo kiddies

join the nearly 700-strong primary school massed recorder and strings ensemble

for one night only at the Sydney Opera House

they performed

the Can-Can

and a new work called 'Gulaga Dreaming'
(how special for our mob, who actually LIVE near Gulaga mountain...)

and 'Prince Ivan' - a special work written just for the massive group

they all played so beautifully

what an amazing experience for a young lad from the bush....

(and his mumma-bear)


Saturday, June 21, 2014

postcards from the winter solstice...

 postcard made of longest book

photographed (somewhat artistically and obscurely) in situ

on the shortest day

 may your solstice (long or short)

be super-sized with goodness


Wednesday, June 18, 2014

a little bit foggy but otherwise fine...

 Last week I returned to casual teaching in the local high school
after an absence of more than four years 

talk about foggy head!

was casual teaching always this tiring?

and this week I've had a high school student spend time in my studio
doing work experience

which resulted in lots of notes (hers)
about booky things...

 and first forays into the wonderful world of handmade booky things

concertina/ accordion books covered with old maps
(found in my treasure chest map drawers)

a first stab at binding
(coptic.... naturally...)

and already she is happily filling those blank pages 
with all sorts of creative deliciousness...

and that's what I remember I liked about teaching youngens

the possibility of igniting a life-long passion for bookyness and creativity

oh yesssss


Tuesday, June 3, 2014

welcome to winter...

just after dawn 

on the third day of winter here at the creek...

(click to see it in more of its glory)

in real life it was magnificent

the most amazing full arch double rainbow I have ever seen
