Sunday, May 5, 2013

International Permaculture Day (today)

For International Permaculture Day
EJ and I took a short road trip...

just 20kms down the road..

hee hee hee - check out the hound coming to great us as we headed down the driveway...
there's Mumbulla mountain in the distance

was fairing after 18months... and you can look for yourselves!

the food forest is still in the establishment period -
all the groundwork has been done - with the extensive swales and terraces working very very well 
young acacias, comfrey, yarrow, clumping bamboo, bana and vetiver grass,
 free seeded daisies and random vege and tamarillos are all going brilliantly
soon john will be planting some of the main perennial species
Mediterranean plants like olives for the dry slope, 
avacado and macadamia for the moist slopes

look at the tamarillos and comfrey
(the hundreds of little comfrey that started as itty bitty root cuttings
seem to have all established - quite amazing!)

Ej enjoyed playing 'mountain goat' with me
(its quite a steep terraced slope!)

and in typical garden/permaculture way - of course john dug up a segment of bana grass
for us to take home for our garden

(of goods, labour, stories)
is what community is all about 
and the permaculture mob are a wonderful sharing mob

and in that spirit - here's a video message for IPD 
from permaculture co-originator, David Holmgren

 *PS - if you followed the link to the Brogo Permculture website  -
check out the piccie of a daggy looking gal in a mauve shirt operating the theodolite...
yep its yours truly....



  1. thanks, ronnie, for the reminder. this guy is brilliant, and, well i've erased a long and gushing post to say, again, thanks.

  2. The food forest is looking good and you must be thrilled to have had a pert in it. I didn't think you looked at all a daggy gal... And David Holmgren is great. Thanks for the video.


thanks for all your lovely comments - your words are greatly appreciated xx