to the studio batgirl!
time to dust off my trusty (if neglected) calligraphy nibs...
(a love job for the kidlets school...)
corrrrrr - its been a loooooong time since I sat down to do some seriously real calligraphy!
I feel like a retired olympics track star....
really out of shape ....
staring down the track -
remembering how quickly and fluidly I could run the course...
once upon a long ago
It's been many years since I last seriously wielded the pen and nib,
which is in part why last year I resigned from the ASC.....
(I no longer felt comfortable with the title 'guild member' - a peer acknowledged 'master' of the calligraphic form - and I never felt that I was all that crash hot in a technical sense anyway.....)
unlike a retired olympian - I CAN see how I could get back into shape....
and pushing gouache around with my brause nib
reminds me just how much I really loved the craft...
after I penned the graduation certificates for all the delishous kidlets of cobargo public school
I pulled down a box I'd put away when EJ was a toddler...
a monster sized calligraphic/ graphic project I shelved about 5 years ago
I had spent months and months developing calligraphic renditions of nursery rhymes
and natty little complementary illustrations
for hours on end whilst baby EJ slept I worked away....
refining the lettering and the designs
I planned to sew/collage the illustrations
(hence the massive box of gathered fabric scraps)
the calligraphy was rather idiosyncratic -
an individual style I developed over years of fiddle and practice
I was well into the final stages before I put everything in the big box
and then put the box up on a high shelf
and left it there.....
recently a lovely girlfriend was visiting and she spied the box on the shelf
I got it down and shared it
and her reaction made me question all the excuses I had for shelving this all those years ago...
I wonder if it's time to revisit this project?