I've been a very popular blog destination lately...
but all is not as it appears...
Have you ever encountered a rash of blog visitors from unusual places? (especially russia or tokelau in the pacific islands?) ever had a visit from xnoid? bllog? glowlan? pu? or directfashion? or anything with a .tk suffix?**
welllllll these aren't real bloggy visits from real live breathing (and reading) humung beans - it's just a visit from a nasty little autobot from somewhere in the interether attempting to gain control of your computer and access all your personal details and download a barrage of worms, trojans and viruses...
nasty little computerbots - go away - no one likes you!
** (ps - whatever you do - do not go anywhere near these websites..... clicking onto the site is how the nasty little bot gets into your computer system..... and it goes without saying - make sure you've got the appropriate security software for your computer... I'm spreading the word for all you nice folk who DO take time to visit and read - hope this helps you protect yourself just a little)
You're not the only one Ronnie! I'm sidestepping with you. Those free domains (.tk, etc.) are rarely legit.