Tuesday, December 27, 2011

sams creek test match...

 moments ago in the yard...


(such is the shape of our school holidays....)

I've been very very lazy over December and Christmas break 
lounging, reading, eating and drinking yummies

I'll get back into the swing of things soon enough...
for now - time to just enjoy the kidlets enjoying life!



  1. unlike most americans i HAVE played cricket (that is cricket, right?) once or twice with my brit friend bryan in fourth grade.

  2. well spotted V!

    the kidlets found a bat left behind by a cousin (mega amounts of uncles, aunts and cousins gather at Nana N's house for christmas dinner... this year I think there were about 60-70 relatives - christmas cricket is obligatory in the norris family!)


thanks for all your lovely comments - your words are greatly appreciated xx