Saturday, July 9, 2011

slow growing...

my slow book is slowly growing...

in the evening,
the fire is glowing,
our kidlins have started dreaming their dreams
(we are early-to-bed, early-to-rise farm folk, so kidlins are usually fast asleep by 8pm)

I get out my booky bundles and start stitching... 

the book creature spills from my lap and along the lounge chair
it's almost 2m 'long' already (how did that happen?)

often one of the beastie cats curls itself inside the book coils...
careful not to tread on the pages - good cats!

I pat the cat and the book 
and go back to stitching

With hands engaged, my mind can wander
I am thinking about my forthcoming BIG road trip to Byron Bay Writers Festival
for my stint as the Festival's first ever artist-in-residence


 I've decided to take this emerging book creature with me
(I'm sure it would appreciate a good road trip -
just as I would appreciate the comforting presence
of a book to stitch...)

so keep a look out for us both at the festival 
(august 5-7)



  1. Oh Ronnie, you call this slow growing???????
    I call it faster than the speed of light growing!
    What an amazing project, and how beautifully executed (cats curling in it, etc.)
    You are amazing and you'll be such a driving and inspirational force during your artist's residency.
    xox and best wishes for all steps ahead...

  2. What a HUGE project!! You are a patient and thorough artist Rhonda.

  3. ronnie, so many little sparks come from reading this homey 17, during swimming season, my daughter would go to bed at 8:30, your dark, while here evenings are light... this snake of a book, really it's a ginormous snakey thing, looks like it's fun to hold.

  4. The book looks absolutely incredible. What a great work.

    The festival sounds very exciting. I hope you have a great time.

  5. Beautiful post Ronnie!
    And I'm SOOO excited for you to be A-in-Res at a Writers festival (how fabulous!) ... and even more special... in Byron Bay!
    That one long road trip for you!
    Hey ... if can ... I'll tootle down the highway and say hello. A friend has mentioned a weekend away to Brunswick why not I say?

  6. What a wonderful project -- almost meditative-- worked on in the evening when the active ones are sleeping.. and congrats on the upcoming book festival..

  7. Hi Ronnie - I love the interactive emerging-ness of this book - and it will be good companion for the road trip. I hope the a-i-r goes really well - it will be an amazing exploration and experience - for you and them no doubt! Enjoy!


thanks for all your lovely comments - your words are greatly appreciated xx