Sunday, August 26, 2012

art gesture sunday - week 34...

a windy (almost spring) afternoon

Retired school copy of 
New Fundamental Science

' Forces - Wind'

folded to become a paper plane

launched into Sams Creek airspace



  1. I know you are (aprox.) a day ahead of us, Ronnie, but did you hear that our Neil Armstrong passed away today? Now, that was a fella who flew off in the ultimate *plane.*

    So love these posts....

  2. everything about this makes me smile!

  3. ooo thanks for that SP -- yes I had heard the news - but hadn't put 'two and two together' regards the timing of this post and the news (ahhhh armstrong is/was/is such an icon) - thanks for seeing a link --- I'm always and never amazed at how things work out....

    I was out in the windy wind on friday making this piece.... and I know everyone will find this a bit of a strange thing to say know (given the news) ... but I WAS actually aiming at the moon with my little paper plane - for the moon was visible in the afternoon sky.... (I couldn't get a good pic of the moon with my plane however..... but then if I had - things would have been too spooky for words eh?!)

    again thanks for dropping by

  4. yes, this cheered me up after "one of those nights", thanks, ronnie, i needed a lift!

  5. Hi Ronnie - thanks for keeping track of the weeks for me this way; I love checking out each Sunday's gesture and being reminded of the extraordinary in the ordinary. F

  6. Hi Ronnie, I love these Sunday check-ins too. Love these breezy days. The wind reminds me of my grandmother who loved "balmy" days. Certainly feels like spring. Shooting for the moon is good, Ronnie. Nice connection there.


thanks for all your lovely comments - your words are greatly appreciated xx