Sunday, August 19, 2012

art gesture sunday - week 33...

blue book bower of Bay Books 'New Knowledge Library' 
with found blue offerings



  1. oh my i just love it! The bower birds are flying madly across our block at the moment and I spotted my first bits of blue near a bower last week. Such stunners - yours included!

  2. a poem instantly sprang to mind

  3. ooo oooo oo that is so incredibly precious india! thank you for sharing (hey everyone checking out the comments - go check out the poem!)

  4. so blue, and a poem blue, too. very fine for me. today.

  5. Stunning blues, Ronnie, great installation. Our bower birds are wrestling the chooks for their feed, love to see them zipping in and out. And love the sound they make, always tells me winter is nearly over.

  6. What a lovely thing made out of the blue Ronnie! when I lived out in the bush each evening I would go to the bower just down the hill from my shack to retrieve the little blue funnel to fill my kero lamp, then the bower bird would come in and take it away every morning to complete his collection of blue, it was a lovely conversation, thank you the the reminder!


thanks for all your lovely comments - your words are greatly appreciated xx