I was delighted to receive the emailed notification - and then I was a tad confused... I had entered 2 works for possible inclusion in the award/exhibition.... but the note I received didn't indicate which one had made it through the initial selection process....
was it my very large piece from the end of 2007 'herstory'?

(this is a snippet of the piece - in real life it is more than 4m wide!.... you might notice I also use a snippet for my blogspot banner)
or had one of my most recent works - 'verbatim'.... a 'carved' 2 volume dictionary - been selected?

welllllllll..... it turns out BOTH pieces are shortlisted for the award
how nice is that!
here's the spiel from the gallery's website....
'Books ... beyond words aims to showcase excellence in expression, innovation in concept and in the use of materials in contemporary artists' books as well as pushing the boundaries of the definition of ‘book' and exploring it as sculptural form.'
so if you are travelling past Bairnsdale in August - I suggest you check it out (and drop me a line how it looked - as usual, I won't get a chance to see it)