I am such a booky girl!

I love books – I mean I love, love,
LOVE books!
I love the contents of books – all the possibilities contained between their covers....
I love the history of books – just think - where would we all be without Gutenberg's development of moveable type?
I love the design of books – is there anything more enticing than a brilliant book jacket design?
I love the structure of books – I love both traditional and unconventional forms - isn't it fascinating how form and function can combine to create something beyond the sum of its parts?…...
I love all the traditional crafts associated with books – calligraphy, bookbinding, printing, paper making, marbling, letterpress....
I love the process of creating books – ooooooh all the possibilities....
I love what books are – I love what they can be
I love books....
A while ago I added
'Library thing' to the sidebar of this blog – so that I could share with everyone some (only some!) of the treasures from
my library. Today I decided I would add a list (called 'currently reading') of books and bits that I'm presently reading – (the titles are linked to Amazon for convenience – I've never actually used Amazon....).
Maybe you've read one/some of the titles? – maybe you're reading one of them right now? (wouldn't that be strangely serendipitous!) Maybe you've got a favourite you'd like to introduce me to? (I'm all ears...)

(this was a birthday gift - I'm still nose deep in the pages -
the garden and author are local - so it's a double whammy of wonderful!)
I'll try to add/change the list at the beginning of each month...
ahhhh books – what's not to love?