I often get so involved in work (life...) that I forget to blog all sort of stuff! Like this - I was invited to join in with Spiral Gallery members for a great and fun exhibition titled 'insight' - its on now at the
gallery (until march 12... I think... exact dates are another of those things I tend to forget...)
The idea of 'insight' was those things that inspire the creative process - items or collections from the home or studio...
I took the whole thing rather literally - and I took in both my little piece 'debut in pink' (its had a few outings now) and the photo that inspired the whole series... still in its original frame ( shhhhh - mum and dad are away and don't know I've nicked it off the sidetable - I'll get it back before they return... I hope)
and yes that's me in my official pic from the 1971 Cobargo Debutante Ball where I was flowergirl - ahhhhh my first (and many argue final) true girlie moment - look at those curls.... juxtaposed against the dead straight fringe (I had/have dead straight hair - my mother believed curls were superior to straight hair... thanks mum) - she also always insisted on hacking all my hair off (this was the early '70s - era of the ultra long hair... think marcia brady.... thanks mum - way to make me popular)..... the comic/tragic tales of my childhood were central to the works of last year.
you've gotta laugh about it all - 'cause there's no going back and doing it again (save me!)